Tuesday, May 9, 2017

(10) Presence

I read the article "The Power of Presence" as a preparatory activity for class. This was very motivating for me to read. I often find myself struggling with the correct words to say or actions to take. Presence, however, is something I can do.
I have been dating my boyfriend since high school, and while this is not a long time in the big scheme of life, I feel like I know him and his family very well. Last winter his mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. During this time I was in one of my most challenging semesters of college, taking 21 hours and trying to complete all of my applications for grad school. My boyfriend ended up taking the semester off and moving home from Nashville to be with his mom. I always felt pressured to say the right things or give the right pick me up gift. This was not pressure from my boyfriend or his family, just pressure I put on myself. I guess society made me feel as though I should be doing something more than simply being there. I noticed though, he was less stressed from just being together. His family was bombarded with meals and gifts, so they did not need that from me. He really did just need the simple presence that I could offer.
I describe myself as an extroverted introvert. I do not like to discuss my emotions, much less be emotional in public. I am very good at acting as if nothing is wrong. So when I think of unfortunate times in my life, the most meaningful people are those who were right there along side of me.
I hope to reflect back on this article throughout my career and in future relationships with family and friends. I really do believe in the power of presence!

Article: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5064534

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