Sunday, May 14, 2017

Neuro Note #3

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For this note I decided on watching the film Trans Fatty Lives. I love a good Netflix documentary and after hearing classmates discuss how good this film was I figured I would give it a shot! I am so glad I watched the film after learning about ALS, as I was able to see what I learned in class and through my diagnosis snapshot from a person's first hand experience. To further my learning, I reviewed back on this material and added notations in from what I learned from watching this film

Patrick O'Brien was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) at the age of 30. Patrick was young and just beginning an exciting artistic career. He loved to make films and loved to make people laugh. To keep his spirits up after his diagnosis, he decided to make a documentary of himself and his journey with ALS. The name of the film, TransFatty Lives, came from Patrick's nickname given to him for his love of donuts. Patrick was thriving having graduated from art school and becoming a very popular New York City DJ, filmmaker, and visual artist. Patrick fell in love and had a son as a result. Although his relationship with the mother ended, his son continues to be one of his biggest motivators.

As a future occupational therapist this film gave a great insiders perspective. We often learn about these things but nothing beats watching it first hand and hearing a clients side of the diagnosis. Patrick uses assistive technology to keep as much independence as possible. Through an eye tracker he is able to use his computer screen, this allows most importantly for him to communicate. Patrick also relies heavily on humor to keep his spirits up.

I highly recommend this film, especially to those entering the health profession or those just wanting to learn more about ALS.

O'Brien, P. (Director). (2015, April 16). TransFatty Lives [Video file]. Retrieved May 14, 2017.

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