Thursday, May 4, 2017

(9) Personal Cultural Circle Chart

Today in foundations class we discussed culture. I feel like this is a topic I have learned about in school my entire life. However, every time I hear it, it seems to mean more and more to me. The highlight of todays discussion was when we made the personal cultural chart, as pictured above. I wanted to break this down a little bit further and how I believe these things will alter my path as an occupational therapist...
I will start with the most simplistic of the bunch, I am a food lover. This started when I was really young and my uncle (who was in his mid-20's at the time) would babysit my sister and I. When we were at his house we would always watch food network. You can ask my roommates, if the Today Show is not on, I am ALWAYS watching the food network. I used to get embarrassed by this when I was in middle school because it was not one of the "cool" shows everyone else was watching. I appreciate good food, I love to cook, and I love to watch food network. I would love to work this into my future as a therapist.
Puppy lover is pretty self explanatory. I love my dog, Rosie, and miss her everyday that I am in Memphis. While I do love all other dogs, no dog beats out my sweet pup! I hope to one day work animal therapy into my career path.
Sister and daughter are very important to me. My sister is graduating with her doctorate in pharmacy this weekend, so I can thank her for always motivating me to do better and push harder in school. My mom is also a pharmacist and works harder than anybody I know. My dad is a police chief and has always been such a good example of a leader. If I can combine a part of all three of them into my future career, I will be golden.
Finally, my faith. This is what sets the basis of my life. I will always be able to lean on this and use this to guide me through tough situations to come. Whether they be cultural issues or not. I know I cannot go wrong if I rely on my faith!

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