Wednesday, April 12, 2017

(1) Why I want to be an OT

Why I want to be an OT...

Wouldn't it be cool if I could tell you that I have always known I wanted to be an occupational therapist? Wouldn't it be cool if I said I knew what occupational therapy was at a young age? Wouldn't it be cool if I could tell you a personal story about how occupational therapy directly impacted my life?

I cannot really do any of the above. However, I am blessed to have still discovered this wonderful profession. I first heard about occupational therapy on a bus to a track meet my senior year of high school. For my honors anatomy course I was presented with the task of shadowing someone in the medical field that had a career that interested me. Unlike the rest of my classmates, I did not want to shadow a doctor or family friend. I really wanted to find something that sounded like a career path I might follow. While on the long bus ride, I googled statistics about health professions. This is when I came across occupational therapy. I instantly knew this is who I wanted to shadow.

Fast forward a few weeks and it was my day to go shadow at a local children's hospital outpatient center. I have to admit, it was kind of like love at first sight. I remember leaving and going home to spend a few hours googling to find out as much as I could. After an undergraduate major of Therapeutic Recreation and a Minor in psychology I am so excited to finally be in Occupational Therapy School!

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